Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Big Huge Labs

Telling our Story can come in so many shapes and sizes... and media!

I think of the Bible, and how many verses, pages, chapters, books... and years of oral storytelling and written storytelling... and then the politics of canon and translations... and on and on, that it took to become the Gift we have today.

At the other extreme, I think of a motivational style poster:

It says so much, so quickly, and a small group can often do a little theological reflection around it. You can also select a verse of the Bible, and create a poster of that, adding your faith to the mix of the faith from which and for which the Bible came to being.

The video below shows how to use the Motivator tool in the online workshop (playground?) environment called Big Huge Labs.

As always, if you have any questions or need any help, call me at 320-252-1021 and I'll see what we can do together.

And don't forget, you can find tutorials and more Web 2.0 information for Catechesis at https://catechesis20.wordpress.com/

-Tim Welch

Big Huge Labs

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Tagul and Wordle

Fancy that! I was going to do a tutorial on Wordle, but there was some stuff going on with the programming language (Java... not to be confused with Javascript) that broke it.

So I created a tutorial on Tagul, another word cloud generator... only to be tipped off by NACMP Vice-President Richard Drabik that the new version of Java fixed* the problem. So here are tutorials on both of them. Tagul first, because most of us already know Wordle. And, as always, if you have any questions or need any help, call me at 320-252-1021 and I'll see what we can do together.

And don't forget, you can find tutorials and other Web 2.0 information for Catechesis at https://catechesis20.wordpress.com/tag/wordle/

-Tim Welch

Tagul Tutorial


Wordle Tutorial 

(might wanna turn down your volume on this one)

*There is still an anomaly with some platforms and versions. When you click on a menu command, the menu appears, then plays cat and mouse when you try to mouse down it. The solution is to click once on it, then use your keyboard up and down arrows to go to the command you want, then press your enter (or return) key.